Celebrate their 40th birthday with this number balloon bouquet. The bouquet will have the Number 40 in jumbo numbers, and a Dozen 40th birthday latex balloons in fashion colors, all then tied to matching weights.

40th Birthday Number Balloon Bouquet

  • 1 40th Birthday foil number Balloons
  • 12 40th Birthday Latex Balloons
  • 2 Foil Weights
  • Float Time: 2 days indoors with Hi-Float.
  • All balloons are tied to seperate ribbons and will move around.
  • The balloons will stay inflated, but will oxidize
  • Over time they will change to a matte like finish.
  • No guarantee if used outdoors.

Due to the current cost increase of Helium from the ongoing shortage,
we have had to raise our prices on all latex balloons.
We appreciate your understanding at this time.

40th Birthday Number Balloon Bouquet

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Celebrate their 40th birthday with this number balloon bouquet. The bouquet will have the Number 40 in jumbo numbers, and a Dozen 40th birthday latex...

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Celebrate their 40th birthday with this number balloon bouquet. The bouquet will have the Number 40 in jumbo numbers, and a Dozen 40th birthday latex balloons in fashion colors, all then tied to matching weights.

40th Birthday Number Balloon Bouquet

  • 1 40th Birthday foil number Balloons
  • 12 40th Birthday Latex Balloons
  • 2 Foil Weights
  • Float Time: 2 days indoors with Hi-Float.
  • All balloons are tied to seperate ribbons and will move around.
  • The balloons will stay inflated, but will oxidize
  • Over time they will change to a matte like finish.
  • No guarantee if used outdoors.

Due to the current cost increase of Helium from the ongoing shortage,
we have had to raise our prices on all latex balloons.
We appreciate your understanding at this time.

Availability In Stock
Manufactured by: Anagram
This product was added to our catalog on: Tuesday 12 May, 2020